Life Science Health System - T.C. Fry

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The Life Science Institute - Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Introduction To Life Science As A Way Of Life

The Nature And Purpose Of Disease

Introducing The Life Science System For Perfect Health, Part I

Introducing The Life Science System For Perfect Health, Part II

Introduction To Nutritional Science

The Immense Wisdom And Providence Of The Body

Carbohydrates - Fuel For The Human Body

Proteins In The Diet

Vitamins: The Metabolic Wizards Of Life Processes

The Role Of Minerals In Human Nutrition

Fats In The Diet

The Role Of Acid And Alkaline Substances Within The Body

Air, Sunshine, And Natural Light Essential To Health

Water Transports Nutrients To All The Body Cells

The Roles Of Rest And Sleep In Supplying Body Needs

Nutrition, Mind And The Emotions

Exercise And Its Beneficial Role In Nutrition And Digestion

Ascertaining The Human Dietetic Character, Part I

Ascertaining The Human Dietetic Character, Part II

The Physiology Of Digestion

Symptoms During Dietary Transition

The Principles Of Digestive Physiology Which Decree Correct Food Combining

Application Of Food Combining Principles

Selection And Storage Of Most Wholesome Foods, Part I

Selection And Storage Of Most Wholesome Foods, Part II

Preparing And Serving Foods For Best Nourishment, Part I

Preparing And Serving Foods For Best Nourishment, Part II

The Elixir Of Life: An Exploration Of Food Conditions, Body Conditions, And Eating Conditions That Beget Euphoric Health And Long Life

Why Condiments Should Not Be Included In The Diet

Sugars And Other Sweeteners May Be Worse Than Bad

Refined And Processed Foods Are Hazardous To Your Health

Why We Should Not Eat Meat

Why We Should Not Eat Animal Products In Any Form

The Harmfulness Of Beverages In The Diet

Junk Foods: A Case Study On Molasses

Junk Foods: A Case Study Of Garlic And Onions

Fermented And Putrefied Foods In The Diet; Studies Of Other Junk Foods

Sociological Benefits And Economic Ramifications Of The Avoidance Of Junk Foods

Food Supplements

The Dangers Of Drug Medication: Over-the-Counter And Prescription Drugs

Thanks For Not Smoking

Why Herbs Should Not Be Used

Cooking Our Food

Overeating: Fasting Fanaticism And Diet Fanaticism

Introduction To Fasting

When To Employ Fasting; Determining Who Should Fast; How Long And How Often

How To Preside Over A Fast

How To Break A Fast; After The Fast

The Organic Garden; Avoiding Commercially Produced Foods - Why?

The Pluses In Orcharding: How To Get Started

Chemicals In The Household Environment

Chemicals In Our Air

Solar Energy And Your Health

Weather And Human Well-Being

Prenatal Care For Better Infant And Maternal Health And Less Painful Childbirth

Normal Feeding Of Infants; Feeding Babies Under Abnormal Conditions Until Weaning Age

Weaning The Infant; Feeding Children

Fasting Children During Disease

Teaching Children About Healthful Living

Self-Sufficiency And Natural Hygiene

Nutrition And The Skin

Healthy Eyes And Teeth

Nutrition And The Hair

Stress Management: The Life Science Approach

There Are No Cures

Contagion, Epidemics

How To Practically Withstand Hospitalization With The Least Harm; What Treatments To Accept, Reject

First Aid And Natural Hygiene

Nutritional Approach To Overcoming Addictions

Colds, Flus, Upper Respiratory Ailments

Allergies, Hay Fever, And Other Chronic Diseases

Rheumatic Diseases

Sugar And Carbohydrate Metabolism Disease

Diseases Relating To The Heart And Circulatory System

Cancers, Tumors


Gastrointestinal Diseases

Reproductive Problems Of Men And Woman

The Laws Of Life

Adjustment To Hygienic Living Within The Family

Socializing And Natural Hygiene

The Adolescent And Hygienic Living

Senior Citizens Living Hygienically

The Basic Four Diet

The Dangers Of A High-Protein Diet

The Supplement Approach To Nutrition

Chiropractic, Homeopathy, and Osteopathy

The Vegetarian Diet

Introducing Clients To The Need For A Lifestyle Change

Psychology And Practical Aspects Involved In Making A Change In Lifestyle

Methods For Inducing A Lifestyle Change

Planning A Transition To Better Living

Teaching Your Clients About Fasting

Exercise And Children

Exercise In Sickness And Recuperation

Corrective Exercises And Their Application

Devising A Lifestyle That Includes Vigorous Activity

Exercise Programs For The Healthy

Restructuring The Way We Produce Our Foods - Part I

Restructuring The Way We Produce Our Foods - Part II

Harmonizing Society, Culture, and Lifestyle To Save Our Planet