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== Exercise—General  ==
== Exercise—General  ==
Exercises Designed to Stimulate Circulation and to Stretch Tight Muscles 
96.6.2 Exercises for Balance, Posture, Circulation and Increasing Coordination
=== Exercises Designed to Stimulate Circulation and to Stretch Tight Muscles ===
'''Performed While Sitting'''
96.6.3 Exercise Planning 
96.6.4 Teaching the Client How to Get the Most Out of Exercise 
96.6.1 Exercises Designed to Stimulate Circulation and to Stretch Tight Muscles Performed While Sitting—
# Sitwellbalancedonthefloorwithbothlegsstretchedoutinfrontofyou.Pullkneesup to chest. Relax. Touch head to the knees. Relax. Repeat. At first, you may not be able to bring knees all the way up or to touch them with the head. Persistence will soon pay off.
# Sitwellbalancedonthefloorwithbothlegsstretchedoutinfrontofyou.Pullkneesup to chest. Relax. Touch head to the knees. Relax. Repeat. At first, you may not be able to bring knees all the way up or to touch them with the head. Persistence will soon pay off.
# Insameposition,placethearmsunderbentknees.Now,straightenoutrightleg.Return to original position. Straighten out left leg. Return. Repeat, alternating legs.
# Insameposition,placethearmsunderbentknees.Now,straightenoutrightleg.Return to original position. Straighten out left leg. Return. Repeat, alternating legs.
# Insittingpositionwithlegsstretchedoutonfloorinfront,bendforwardfromhipskeeping the back straight with arms bent at elbows and held in to side. Hold bent position, but do not bounce.
# Insittingpositionwithlegsstretchedoutonfloorinfront,bendforwardfromhipskeeping the back straight with arms bent at elbows and held in to side. Hold bent position, but do not bounce.
# Insamepositionasinno.3immediatelyabove,spreadlegsapartandstretchdownfirst to the right leg and then to the left, maintaining the straight back at all times. Hold the stretch position for the count of 5 each time before relaxing.
# Insamepositionasinno.3immediatelyabove,spreadlegsapartandstretchdownfirst to the right leg and then to the left, maintaining the straight back at all times. Hold the stretch position for the count of 5 each time before relaxing.
# Inthesittingposition,placepillowundercalfandrotateanklesofleftleg,thentheright leg.
5. Inthesittingposition,placepillowundercalfandrotateanklesofleftleg,thentheright leg.
'''Performed While Standing'''
Performed While Standing—
# Clasphandsbehindtheback.Nowstraightenthearms,shoulders,andback.Breathein quickly to the count of 4. Relax and breathe out to the count of 7. Repeat.
# Raise arms to the front, breathing in as you raise the arms and exhaling as you lower them—as follows:
# Clasp hands behind the back. Now straighten the arms, shoulders, and back. Breathe in quickly to the count of 4. Relax and breathe out to the count of 7. Repeat.
# Raise arms to the front, breathing in as you raise the arms and exhaling as you lower them—as follows.
# Raise to shoulder height. Then lower to side.
# Raise to shoulder height. Then lower to side.
# Raise above head, stretch to the ceiling. Let the eyes look at the ceiling. Lower to side.
# Raise above head, stretch to the ceiling. Let the eyes look at the ceiling. Lower to side.
# Raise above the head, turn the palms out. Lower to side.  Start this exercise with 3 repeats and gradually add more as you feel comfortable.
# Raise above the head, turn the palms out. Lower to side.  Start this exercise with 3 repeats and gradually add more as you feel comfortable.
# Place hands on sides directly in front of hip bones. Now bend forward to a horizontal position. Keep back straight. Feel the stretch in the back and legs. Bend knees slightly  and then come up to straight position.
# Place hands on sides directly in front of hip bones. Now bend forward to a horizontal position. Keep back straight. Feel the stretch in the back and legs. Bend knees slightly  and then come up to straight position.
# With the feet slightly apart, elbows bent, rotate shoulders front to back several times.  Reverse and rotate back to front.
# With the feet slightly apart, elbows bent, rotate shoulders front to back several times.  Reverse and rotate back to front.
# Deepkneebend.Justbendkneesslightly.Thiswillbesufficienttoexercisemanymus cles without attempting the deep knee bend which may traumatize injured parts. Performed While Lying on the Floor—
# Deep knee bend. Just bend knees slightly. This will be sufficient to exercise many muscles without attempting the deep knee bend which may traumatize injured parts.
'''Performed While Lying on the Floor'''
# Lieonthebackwithlegsstraightonfloor.Pullrightkneeuptowardthechest.Holdin this position to count of 10. Be sure to tuck the chin in, do not let head fall backwards. Repeat with left knee.
# Lie on the back with legs straight on floor. Pull right knee up toward the chest. Holdin this position to count of 10. Be sure to tuck the chin in, do not let head fall backwards. Repeat with left knee.
# Pullbothlegsuptochestandholdinthispositionwitharmsclaspedaroundkneesfora count of 10. Don’t forget to breathe as you count.
# Pull both legs up to chest and hold in this position with arms clasped around knees for a count of 10. Don’t forget to breathe as you count.
# Insamepositionasinexercisetwo.2,extendrightlegupandforwardintotheair.Lower slowly. Repeat with right leg several times and then perform the same movement with the left leg.
# In same position as in exercise two. 2, extend right leg up and forward into the air. Lower slowly. Repeat with right leg several times and then perform the same movement with the left leg.
# Turnandlieononeside.Placehandunderthehead.Bendthebottomlegslightly.Now raise the top leg up and down, pointing the toes. Repeat several times.
# Turnandlieononeside.Placehandunderthehead.Bendthebottomlegslightly.Now raise the top leg up and down, pointing the toes. Repeat several times.
# Turn and lie on the other side and repeat the same exercise. Performed on the Hands and Knees—
# Turn and lie on the other side and repeat the same exercise.
'''Performed on the Hands and Knees'''
# Getinpositiononhandsandkneesandrelax.Nowhumptheback.Pushitupasfaras is comfortable. Relax. Repeat.
# Getinpositiononhandsandkneesandrelax.Nowhumptheback.Pushitupasfaras is comfortable. Relax. Repeat.
# Sameexerciseasabove,exceptasyouarchtheback,bringtheheaddown.Nowbring right knee in towards the head, then straighten leg out again behind you as you raise the head and straighten the back. Repeat several times with right leg, then repeat exercise using left leg.
# Sameexerciseasabove,exceptasyouarchtheback,bringtheheaddown.Nowbring right knee in towards the head, then straighten leg out again behind you as you raise the head and straighten the back. Repeat several times with right leg, then repeat exercise using left leg.
# Sitbackontheheels.Nowstretchoutyourarmsandheadonthefloorinfront.Holdfor a few seconds, then return to original position. Repeat several times.
# Sitbackontheheels.Nowstretchoutyourarmsandheadonthefloorinfront.Holdfor a few seconds, then return to original position. Repeat several times.
# Lieonthestomach.Thenplacetheelbowsonthefloorandclasphandstogetherinafist. Place forehead on the clasped hands. Now straighten the right leg out behind and raise it upwards as high as you can. Lower. Repeat several times. Repeat with left leg.  96.6.2 Exercises for Balance, Posture, Circulation and Increasing Coordination
# Lieonthestomach.Thenplacetheelbowsonthefloorandclasphandstogetherinafist. Place forehead on the clasped hands. Now straighten the right leg out behind and raise it upwards as high as you can. Lower. Repeat several times. Repeat with left leg.   
1. Placefeettogether,armshangingatthesides.Now,liftbotharmsovertheheadand,at the same time, bend the left knee up to the chest as high as possible. Hold a few seconds. Return to position. Repeat with right knee in the same manner. When comfortable doing
this exercise, client should try to alternate, using first one leg and then the other while
maintaining balance.
2. Standwiththefeettogether,onehandonthewallorapieceoffurnituretolendsupport.
=== Exercises for Balance, Posture, Circulation and Increasing Coordination ===
In two even counts, swing the left leg forward and back. Keep the back straight, pull the abdomen up, and elevate the chest as the leg swings back. All the movement should be in the hip. Keep knee straight and the leg swinging like the pendulum in a clock. Repeat with other leg. Assistance in maintaining balance may be required by persons with severely-weakened muscles.
# Place feet together, arms hanging at the sides. Now, lift both arms over the head and, at the same time, bend the left knee up to the chest as high as possible. Hold a few seconds. Return to position. Repeat with right knee in the same manner. When comfortable doing this exercise, client should try to alternate, using first one leg and then the other while maintaining balance.
# Stand with the feet together,one hand on the wall or a piece of furniture to lend support. In two even counts, swing the left leg forward and back. Keep the back straight, pull the abdomen up, and elevate the chest as the leg swings back. All the movement should be in the hip. Keep knee straight and the leg swinging like the pendulum in a clock. Repeat with other leg. Assistance in maintaining balance may be required by persons with severely-weakened muscles.
=== Exercise Planning ===
=== Exercise Planning ===