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=== If There Is a Back Injury, Certain Common Habits Should Be Overcome ===
=== If There Is a Back Injury, Certain Common Habits Should Be Overcome ===
* Ifyoumustliftaratherheavyobject,makecertainthatthedestinationoftheobject,i.e., where you will place that object, is directly ahead of you. This will help you avoid twisting the body.
* Don’t try to lift anything above shoulder level.
# If you must lift a rather heavy object, make certain that the destination of the object, i.e., where you will place that object, is directly ahead of you. This will help you avoid twisting the body.
* Don’twearhigh-heeledorplatformshoes.Anysuddenthrowingoffbalancemightcause  further injury. Additionally, when such shoes are worn, the center of gravity is thrown off the norm, thus rendering an individual more likely to lose balance. High heels also tend to cause organs to shift from their normal alignment, a state of affairs that sends silent stress signals tearing through the nerve pathways.
# Don’t try to lift anything above shoulder level.
* Don’tforgettohavethecarseatadjusttoYOU.Stretchingforthepedalsorforthesteering wheel increases the curve of the lower back to cause strain.
# Don’t wear high-heeled or platform shoes. Any sudden throwing off balance might cause further injury. Additionally, when such shoes are worn, the center of gravity is thrown off the norm, thus rendering an individual more likely to lose balance. High heels also tend to cause organs to shift from their normal alignment, a state of affairs that sends silent stress signals tearing through the nerve pathways.
* Whensittinginachair,don’tslump.Avoidleaningforwardforanyprolongedlengthof time. Arching the back in this manner is conducive to more pain.
# Don’t forget to have the car seat adjust to YOU. Stretching for the pedals or for the steering wheel increases the curve of the lower back to cause strain.
* Ifyourmattressisuncomfortablysoft,oritsags,orifthecushionsinafavoritechairdo not give full support to your injured back, make some changes. Without full support, an aching back will continue to trouble.
# When sitting in a chair, don’t slump. Avoid leaning forward for any prolonged length of time. Arching the back in this manner is conducive to more pain.
# If your mattress is uncomfortably soft, or it sags, or if the cushions in a favorite chair do not give full support to your injured back, make some changes. Without full support, an aching back will continue to trouble.
== Exercise—General  ==
== Exercise—General  ==
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=== Exercises Designed to Stimulate Circulation and to Stretch Tight Muscles ===
=== Exercises Designed to Stimulate Circulation and to Stretch Tight Muscles ===
'''Performed While Sitting'''  
'''Performed While Sitting'''  
# Sitwellbalancedonthefloorwithbothlegsstretchedoutinfrontofyou.Pullkneesup to chest. Relax. Touch head to the knees. Relax. Repeat. At first, you may not be able to bring knees all the way up or to touch them with the head. Persistence will soon pay off.
# Sit well balanced on the floor with both legs stretched out in front of you. Pull knees up to chest. Relax. Touch head to the knees. Relax. Repeat. At first, you may not be able to bring knees all the way up or to touch them with the head. Persistence will soon pay off.
# Insameposition,placethearmsunderbentknees.Now,straightenoutrightleg.Return to original position. Straighten out left leg. Return. Repeat, alternating legs.
# In same position, place the arms under bent knees. Now, straighten out right leg. Return to original position. Straighten out left leg. Return. Repeat, alternating legs.
# Insittingpositionwithlegsstretchedoutonfloorinfront,bendforwardfromhipskeeping the back straight with arms bent at elbows and held in to side. Hold bent position, but do not bounce.
# In sitting position with legs stretched out on floor in front, bend forward from hips keeping the back straight with arms bent at elbows and held in to side. Hold bent position, but do not bounce.
# Insamepositionasinno.3immediatelyabove,spreadlegsapartandstretchdownfirst to the right leg and then to the left, maintaining the straight back at all times. Hold the stretch position for the count of 5 each time before relaxing.
# In same position as in no.3 immediately above, spread legs apart and stretch down first to the right leg and then to the left, maintaining the straight back at all times. Hold the stretch position for the count of 5 each time before relaxing.
# Inthesittingposition,placepillowundercalfandrotateanklesofleftleg,thentheright leg.
# In the sitting position, place pillow under calf and rotate ankles of left leg, then the right leg.
'''Performed While Standing'''
'''Performed While Standing'''
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# Deep knee bend. Just bend knees slightly. This will be sufficient to exercise many muscles without attempting the deep knee bend which may traumatize injured parts.
# Deep knee bend. Just bend knees slightly. This will be sufficient to exercise many muscles without attempting the deep knee bend which may traumatize injured parts.
'''Performed While Lying on the Floor'''
'''Performed While Lying on the Floor'''
# Lie on the back with legs straight on floor. Pull right knee up toward the chest. Holdin this position to count of 10. Be sure to tuck the chin in, do not let head fall backwards. Repeat with left knee.
# Lie on the back with legs straight on floor. Pull right knee up toward the chest. Hold in this position to count of 10. Be sure to tuck the chin in, do not let head fall backwards. Repeat with left knee.
# Pull both legs up to chest and hold in this position with arms clasped around knees for a count of 10. Don’t forget to breathe as you count.
# Pull both legs up to chest and hold in this position with arms clasped around knees for a count of 10. Don’t forget to breathe as you count.
# In same position as in exercise two. 2, extend right leg up and forward into the air. Lower slowly. Repeat with right leg several times and then perform the same movement with the left leg.
# In same position as in exercise two. 2, extend right leg up and forward into the air. Lower slowly. Repeat with right leg several times and then perform the same movement with the left leg.
# Turnandlieononeside.Placehandunderthehead.Bendthebottomlegslightly.Now raise the top leg up and down, pointing the toes. Repeat several times.
# Turn and lie on one side.Place hand under the head. Bend the bottom legs lightly.Now raise the top leg up and down, pointing the toes. Repeat several times.
# Turn and lie on the other side and repeat the same exercise.
# Turn and lie on the other side and repeat the same exercise.
'''Performed on the Hands and Knees'''
'''Performed on the Hands and Knees'''
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On the fifth week, a new series may be given the client. Exercises should be selected keeping in mind the reason for a particular exercise. The exercises given in this lesson have been selected with certain definite problems in mind, such as posture, bent spine, weak back muscles, weak abdominal muscles, etc. There are many other possible defects that may present themselves to the Hygienic practitioner from time to time, and we have presented only the most common. The practitioner in working either with a group or with an individual must choose the particular exercises which, in his best judgment, will prove most conducive to good results.
On the fifth week, a new series may be given the client. Exercises should be selected keeping in mind the reason for a particular exercise. The exercises given in this lesson have been selected with certain definite problems in mind, such as posture, bent spine, weak back muscles, weak abdominal muscles, etc. There are many other possible defects that may present themselves to the Hygienic practitioner from time to time, and we have presented only the most common. The practitioner in working either with a group or with an individual must choose the particular exercises which, in his best judgment, will prove most conducive to good results.
96.6.4 Teaching the Client How to Get the Most Out of Exercise
=== Teaching the Client How to Get the Most Out of Exercise ===
There are several important rules to follow. When a precise schedule is formulated and presented to the client, s/he will be much more likely to do the exercises. S/he should be told to study your suggestions carefully and to follow them, if s/he wishes to secure the most good from the exercises. The following list contains suggestions only.
There are several important rules to follow. When a precise schedule is formulated and presented to the client, s/he will be much more likely to do the exercises. S/he should be told to study your suggestions carefully and to follow them, if s/he wishes to secure the most good from the exercises. The following list contains suggestions only.
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# Set a regular time to exercise and follow a regular program each day.
# Set a regular time to exercise and follow a regular program each day.
# Make, frequent check-ups on weight and improvements in sleeping, in eating, in ease of motion, etc. These may be recorded on the client’s chart. All improvements should be brought to the attention of the client. These are the “successes” we have previously  mentioned. They serve to encourage clients in their corrective work.
# Make, frequent check-ups on weight and improvements in sleeping, in eating, in ease of motion, etc. These may be recorded on the client’s chart. All improvements should be brought to the attention of the client. These are the “successes” we have previously  mentioned. They serve to encourage clients in their corrective work.
# Exercisebeforemeals,orwaitatleastonehouraftereating,preferablytwohours.Exer cising before breakfast is a good practice.
# Exercise before meals,or wait at least one hour after eating, preferably two hours. Exercising before breakfast is a good practice.
# Provideasuitablerug,floormatorbeachtowelfortheexercisesperformedwhilelying  down on the floor.
# Provide a suitable rug, floor mat or beach towel for the exercises performed while lying down on the floor.
# Beginwitha5-minuteexerciseprogramandextendasendurance,vitality,etc.,increas es. Thirty minutes a day will prove sufficient for the average person. Even spending fif teen minutes every day with a half hour several times a week will be highly beneficial.
# Begin with a 5-minute exercise program and extend as endurance, vitality, etc., increases. Thirty minutes a day will prove sufficient for the average person. Even spending fifteen minutes every day with a half hour several times a week will be highly beneficial.
# Seethattheventilationisgood.Keepthewindowsopenwhileexercisingor,betteryet, exercise out of doors, except in very cold weather.
# See that the ventilation is good. Keep the windows open while exercising or, better yet, exercise out of doors, except in very cold weather.
# Wear loose garments made of open weave.
# Wear loose garments made of open weave.
# Exercisetomusic.Waltzesareexcellenttostartwith,increasebeatasstrengthandskill increase.
# Exercise to music. Waltzes are excellent to start with, increase beat as strength and skill increase.
# And, finally, exercise faithfully and follow instructions. Remember, that when a client first starts an exercise program, his/her muscles are usually weak and flabby. We recommend that everyone start out by exercising one day and then resting the next.
# And, finally, exercise faithfully and follow instructions. Remember, that when a client first starts an exercise program, his/her muscles are usually weak and flabby. We recommend that everyone start out by exercising one day and then resting the next.