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= Euhydration and The Seven Stages of Disease - A Brief Primer =
According to the Oxford dictionary, disease is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.

According to the Terrain Model of Natural Hygiene, disease is a condition. An arena if you will that has several stages of progression. No matter where and how it manifests itself, it appears to follow seven simple steps or stages if you will, even if some stages are less apparent than the others. Disease is the theater that houses seven unique stages upon which each is observed. All of which boil down to toxicity of the blood. In late-term pregnancy, post 20 weeks, this is called preeclampsia. And insufficient hydration is a foundational part of every step, while euhydration is the solution, malhydration is the dark passenger at the genesis and at every turn in the disease process.

'''Enervation''' - Modern medicine doesn’t often acknowledge this first stage as a disease. Enervation is the stage at which our body fails to generate enough energy to accomplish its tasks. We also often miss it because we are over-stimulated by our stimulants of choice. If this goes on for long enough, it may be diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome as it can be observed through our network of nerves and their conductive abilities.

'''Toxemia''' - When toxic substances, regardless of source saturate our lymph, lymph nodes, vessels, collecting ducts, and spleen, our body has a hard time keeping up with its cleansing tasks. As functional organisms, we generate countless volumes of toxic byproducts. We generate so much CO2 (carbon dioxide) in just a few short minutes, that if left unfiltered, it would spell our doom. And this is just one of our many metabolic byproducts that can cause irritation.

'''Irritation''' - Most of us barely notice this stage and as a result, neither do our doctors. This is often accompanied by our feeling queasy, jumpy, itchy, and uneasy, or a general sense of anxiety.

'''Inflammation''' - Our first visible clue that there is something wrong where our doctors recognize pathology. This is likely the first time we begin to experience pain. It results in our body mobilizing our tissue fluids to water down the toxic substances. This mobilization of our inner sea will also help provide sufficient pressure to expel the unwanted pathology. Examples of this include swelling of our kidneys, appendices, tonsils, sinuses, lungs, prostate, and liver often accompanied by a fever.

'''Ulceration''' - A result of tissue destruction which often results in painful canker sores in the mouth or similar soft tissues. This then provides an exit that our inflammation can utilize to speed recovery. While this may be a convenient exit, it is never very convenient for the affected body parts. If that convenient exit is our tonsils, we will suffer tonsillitis. If it is our sinuses, we suffer sinusitis. If our lungs are involved, we call that inflammation accompanied by excess mucus, asthma(chronic) or pneumonia(acute). And for men that may result in prostatitis, sometimes accompanied by fever, chills, lower back pain, pelvic pain, as well as discharge through the urethra. And if it is our liver that is inflamed, we call that hepatitis. Notice that these are all followed by the suffix -itis. Induration - This is a hardening of soft tissues in an effort to shore up the damage and isolate it from the rest of the body. We often refer to these as patches, plaques, and tumors, which are often diagnosed as cancer. This is the last stage where the body exerts control over the process.

'''Cancer''' - The final stage in the process that often results in the death of the organism. These cells live in an environment marked by uncontrolled early-stage cells, living almost entirely on their own, cut off from their host.

These stages of the disease process are sometimes difficult to distinguish one from another as you can see in stages six and seven, and how they can work together as we see in stages four and five. Disease is the daemon(theater) and the seven stages in this theater are its seven friends that it brings to bear. According to Wikipedia, in multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user. The term was coined by the programmers at MIT's Project MAC. They took the name from Maxwell's demon, an imaginary being from a thought experiment that constantly works in the background, sorting molecules.

For a further explanation of these processes see Chew Digest: Volume 01.