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This fourth lesson encompasses seventeen other essentials of life in summary form. Exhaustive treatment of any single aspect of life’s needs is not intended. Rather, it is in- tended to acquaint you preliminarily with each life need presented. Subsequent lessons will plumb the depths of the essentials treated in this lesson.
This fourth lesson encompasses seventeen other essentials of life in summary form. Exhaustive treatment of any single aspect of life’s needs is not intended. Rather, it is in- tended to acquaint you preliminarily with each life need presented. Subsequent lessons will plumb the depths of the essentials treated in this lesson.
Assuring your body of all its needs might be likened to the care that must be lavished upon highly complex jet liners. Every item of equipment aboard the jet must be in work- ing order and have an adequate supply of its needs in order to operate as designed. The jet may operate with many of its systems knocked out but it is crippled. Crippling of certain systems may send it to its doom. And so it is with the body.
Assuring your body of all its needs might be likened to the care that must be lavished upon highly complex jet liners. Every item of equipment aboard the jet must be in working order and have an adequate supply of its needs in order to operate as designed. The jet may operate with many of its systems knocked out but it is crippled. Crippling of certain systems may send it to its doom. And so it is with the body.
The human body consists of approximately 125 trillion cells which live together harmoniously. Cells live both for themselves and for the welfare of the organism of which they are a part, and they are specialized into tissues and tissue organizations that perform services for every other cell and cell organization throughout the organism.
The human body consists of approximately 125 trillion cells which live together harmoniously. Cells live both for themselves and for the welfare of the organism of which they are a part, and they are specialized into tissues and tissue organizations that perform services for every other cell and cell organization throughout the organism.
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However, more important than external cleanliness is internal purity. Internal filth damages the body in two ways:
However, more important than external cleanliness is internal purity. Internal filth damages the body in two ways:
# Themerephysicalpresenceofpollutantsclogsandinterfereswithbodyprocesses.They hinder operations much as a crowd of people in a street hampers automotive traffic.
# The mere physical presence of pollutants clogs and interferes with body processes.They hinder operations much as a crowd of people in a street hampers automotive traffic.
# Allcontaminantswithinarepoisonous!Thebodynotonlyobjectsviolentlytothephys- ical presence of filth but it also objects to its chemical presence. The body tries to main- tain physical and chemical integrity. Anything that alters the consistency of body elabo- rated fluids and compounds; anything that threatens cell well-being due to its chemical nature is anti-vital, hence poisonous.  Thus we can see that for best performance the body must not be hampered physically or chemically in its operations.
# All contaminants within are poisonous! The body not only objects violently to the physical presence of filth but it also objects to its chemical presence. The body tries to maintain physical and chemical integrity. Anything that alters the consistency of body elaborated fluids and compounds; anything that threatens cell well-being due to its chemical nature is anti-vital, hence poisonous.  Thus we can see that for best performance the body must not be hampered physically or chemically in its operations.
==== A Clean Body Is Necessary to Health  ====
==== A Clean Body Is Necessary to Health  ====
The sum total of all the processes whereby the body is cleansed or kept pure is called elimination or drainage. Elimination is the sequel of feeding or alimentation. Ideally the body must eliminate the unusable debris from food ingestion, spent cells, the wastes of metabolism and extraneous substances that may be admitted in some manner. The more thoroughly elimination is effected, the purer is the body.  A thoroughly clean body is necessary to realize the highest level of function—to achieve the highest level of health. Inasmuch as the basic cause of disease is body toxi- city, we need to realize the importance of keeping our bodies clean internally as well as externally.
The sum total of all the processes whereby the body is cleansed or kept pure is called elimination or drainage. Elimination is the sequel of feeding or alimentation. Ideally the body must eliminate the unusable debris from food ingestion, spent cells, the wastes of metabolism and extraneous substances that may be admitted in some manner. The more thoroughly elimination is effected, the purer is the body.  A thoroughly clean body is necessary to realize the highest level of function—to achieve the highest level of health. Inasmuch as the basic cause of disease is body toxicity, we need to realize the importance of keeping our bodies clean internally as well as externally.
==== Body Elimination Must Be Equal to the Need  ====
==== Body Elimination Must Be Equal to the Need  ====
Obviously, to remain free of burdensome accumulations, both physical and chemical in nature, the body must have full use of its eliminative faculties. If these faculties are impaired by lack of nerve energy, if they have been disabled by toxic materials or if in- gestion of toxic matters exceeds ability to cope, then elimination is likewise impaired. Accumulations further vitiate the elimination process until the body must undertake an eliminative crisis (disease) to free itself of its morbid load.  We Americans are habituated to many eating and drinking practices that fill our bod- ies with alien materials that must be eliminated. Alien materials always take their toll on the eliminative organs. Nonfood materials are usually inherently toxic, especially the alien substances the average American eats and drinks. A constant load of toxic mate- rials taxes the eliminative faculties. Thus we Americans wallow in toxic materials from exogenous sources and, due to their impairing influences, from endogenous sources, too.
Obviously, to remain free of burdensome accumulations, both physical and chemical in nature, the body must have full use of its eliminative faculties. If these faculties are impaired by lack of nerve energy, if they have been disabled by toxic materials or if ingestion of toxic matters exceeds ability to cope, then elimination is likewise impaired. Accumulations further vitiate the elimination process until the body must undertake an eliminative crisis '''(disease)''' to free itself of its morbid load.  We Americans are habituated to many eating and drinking practices that fill our bodies with alien materials that must be eliminated. Alien materials always take their toll on the eliminative organs. Nonfood materials are usually inherently toxic, especially the alien substances the average American eats and drinks. A constant load of toxic materials taxes the eliminative faculties. Thus we Americans wallow in toxic materials from exogenous sources and, due to their impairing influences, from endogenous sources, too.
By waste we mean all end-products of all the metabolic activities occurring in every cell and organ of the body. Elimination must equal the processes of supply if balance and health are to be maintained. Just as we can be made sick by living in rooms with our fecal and urinary accumulations, so, too, can we be made sick internally if elimination does not occur apace.
By waste we mean all end-products of all the metabolic activities occurring in every cell and organ of the body. Elimination must equal the processes of supply if balance and health are to be maintained. Just as we can be made sick by living in rooms with our fecal and urinary accumulations, so, too, can we be made sick internally if elimination does not occur apace.
To cope with its eliminative needs, the body must enjoy conditions favorable to elim- ination. As well, it should not be taxed with toxic materials from without.
To cope with its eliminative needs, the body must enjoy conditions favorable to elimination. As well, it should not be taxed with toxic materials from without.
==== The Body’s Daily Cleansing Cycle ====
==== The Body’s Daily Cleansing Cycle ====
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==== A Brief Look at the Body’s Primary Organs of Elimination ====
==== A Brief Look at the Body’s Primary Organs of Elimination ====
You should strive to master physiology and anatomy to understand the body and how it operates. You will learn much about these subjects as called for in each lesson. Nonetheless, it would be wise to consult basic books on anatomy and physiology. De- spite its medical orientation, Reader’s Digest publishes some excellent books on how the body works. We advise you to acquire and study them.
You should strive to master physiology and anatomy to understand the body and how it operates. You will learn much about these subjects as called for in each lesson. Nonetheless, it would be wise to consult basic books on anatomy and physiology. Despite its medical orientation, Reader’s Digest publishes some excellent books on how the body works. We advise you to acquire and study them.
The organs of elimination are as follows:
The organs of elimination are as follows:
# Lymphatic system (adenoids, tonsils, appendix, spleen, nodes, vessels, etc.). These chemicalize wastes in such a manner as to render them less toxic in preparation for expulsion. The lymphatic system also plays other roles.
# Lymphatic system (adenoids, tonsils, appendix, spleen, nodes, vessels, etc.). These break down wastes in such a manner as to render them less toxic in preparation for expulsion. The lymphatic system also plays other roles.
# Liver.Theliverfurtherdetoxifieswastes.Itisthelargestorganandperformsmyriadnutritive and eliminative tasks.
# Liver. The liver further detoxifies wastes. It is the largest internal organ and performs myriad nutritive and eliminative tasks.
# Kidneys. The renal system filters non-utile wastes from the blood and dispatches it to the bladder. The kidneys perform many other functions as well.
# Kidneys. The renal system filters non-utile wastes from the blood and dispatches it to the bladder. The kidneys perform many other functions as well.
# Lungs.Thelungs,likemostbodyorgans,performadualroleassupplierandeliminator. They obtain oxygen from the air and supply it to the bloodstream In addition, they re- move carbon dioxide and certain other wastes from the bloodstream.
# Lungs. The lungs, like most body organs, perform a dual role as supplier and eliminator. They obtain oxygen from the air and supply it to the bloodstream In addition, they re- move carbon dioxide and certain other wastes from the bloodstream.
# Bowelsorcolon.Thebowelsperformfewnutritivetasksotherthansupplyingthebody with water in emergencies, and electrolytes should the body require them. On the other hand it carries out of the body digestive wastes and metabolic wastes as may be excreted into it by tubes from other organs.
# Bowels or colon. The bowels per form few nutritive tasks other than supplying the body with water in emergencies, and electrolytes should the body require them. On the other hand it carries out of the body digestive wastes and metabolic wastes as may be excreted into it by tubes from other organs.
# Skin.Theskinisthemostextensiveorganofthehumanbody.Amongitsmanyfunctions are protection of the body from outside influences that would disturb homeostasis, tem- perature maintenance, cooling and warming and elimination of certain wastes in ex-tremely small amounts. In vicarious eliminative processes such as acne, boils, psoriasis, eczema, rashes, measles, poxes, itches, etc. the skin is used as an organ of elimination. The skin performs a nutritive role in receiving sunlight for conversion into vitamin D.
# Skin.The skin is the most extensive organ of the human body. Among its many functions are protection of the body from outside influences that would disturb homeostasis, temperature maintenance, cooling and warming and elimination of certain wastes in extremely small amounts. In vicarious eliminative processes such as acne, boils, psoriasis, eczema, rashes, measles, poxes, itches, etc. the skin is used as an organ of elimination. The skin performs a nutritive role in receiving sunlight for conversion into vitamin D.
# Thetongueissometimesusedbythebodyasanextraordinaryorganofelimination.This is very noticeable when you have a furred tongue. The tongue is not a regular organ of elimination but incidentally one in vicarious processes of extraordinary elimination.
# The tongue is sometimes used by the body as an extra-ordinary organ of elimination.This is very noticeable when you have a furred tongue. The tongue is not a regular organ of elimination but incidentally one in vicarious processes of extraordinary elimination.
There are occasions when the body will undertake massive eliminative measures. The respiratory system and mouth may be utilized in vomiting; the bowels in diarrhea; the mucous membranes as outlets from the circulatory systems (lymph and blood); the kidneys are used for diuresis; and the skin is sometimes used for diaphoresis and eruptions.
There are occasions when the body will undertake massive eliminative measures. The respiratory system and mouth may be utilized in vomiting; the bowels in diarrhea; the mucous membranes as outlets from the circulatory systems (lymph and blood); the kidneys are used for diuresis; and the skin is sometimes used for diaphoresis and eruptions.

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