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5 May 2021
26 April 2021
→Article #2: Life’s Engineering by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
→Article #2: Life’s Engineering by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
15 April 2021
14 April 2021
29 March 2021
→How can you say that everything the body knows is already programmed into the fertilized ovum? Wouldn’t you say a minor detail like 1,500 miles of specialized tubing called blood vessels in our bodies is the result of a far greater wisdom and p
→Article #2: Life’s Engineering by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
27 March 2021
→Wisdom and Precision of Body Processes
→Article #2: Life’s Engineering by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
→Article #2: Life’s Engineering by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
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Created page with "Lesson 6 - The Immense Wisdom And Providence Of The Body 6.1. What Constitutes Body Wisdom And Providence? 6.2. Cell And Brain Programming 6.3. Knowledge, Expertise And Re..."