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Created page with "Why does a cold or flu stop when a toxin is applied to the body? And why is this a bad thing for our long term health? I hear this question a lot when people don't want to gi..."
Why does a cold or flu stop when a toxin is applied to the body? And why is this a bad thing for our long term health?

I hear this question a lot when people don't want to give up toxins like honey or ginger because they think they are healing the body because the cold or flu symptom stops.

I like this analogy.

Imagine you are sweeping the floors of your house when suddenly a sewer pipe comes crashing into your living room window and is turned on full blast filling your home with sewage. Are you going to keep sweeping? Or are you going to race to the window and try to get the sewage pipe out of the house?

When we get a cold or flu symptom this is our bodies sweeping the floors. When we apply a poison to stop the cold or flu this is the sewer pipe. The body has to stop the maintenance work to deal with the major emergency which has just been introduced.

So then the next question I usually get is, why doesn't the cold/flu start again when we stop taking the toxin?

Healing requires nerve energy. Healing crisis only come up infrequently because most of us are draining our nerve energy so much on a daily basis that it is impossible for the body to store enough energy to mount a healing event more than once a year for some. Others even less often than that.

So if the body had managed to store up enough energy to mount a detox event and then we apply a toxin as soon as it starts and the energy has to be diverted to removing the toxin instead now that energy is gone and the disease causing waste must remain within until the body can generate enough energy to try again.

If we are going to keep putting wrong foods in then our bodies will keep creating "colds" and "flus" to eliminate the toxins from our wrong food choices. If we are still putting wrong foods in but the colds and flus stop then we are in real trouble. If we want the colds and flus to stop but not turn into greater levels of disease than we simply need to stop putting in the waste creating, mucus forming foods and return to our natural foods, Fruits, Leafy greens, small amounts of nuts and seeds.

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