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| Perhaps the most revolting aspect of the medical/scientific approach to vitamin study is the preoccupation with deficiencies, and especially with deficiency diseases. The grotesque photos in texts of people suffering with various “deficiency diseases” graphically illustrate the distorted perception the medical scientists have of the role of vitamins—“to prevent horrible deficiency diseases.” That whole concept of “prevention” is erroneous, as has been stated in earlier lessons. Deficiency diseases are not normal or natural and do not have to be “prevented.” We have only to live in accord with the laws of life and nature, and we will be healthy—as nature intended. | | Perhaps the most revolting aspect of the medical/scientific approach to vitamin study is the preoccupation with deficiencies, and especially with deficiency diseases. The grotesque photos in texts of people suffering with various “deficiency diseases” graphically illustrate the distorted perception the medical scientists have of the role of vitamins—“to prevent horrible deficiency diseases.” That whole concept of “prevention” is erroneous, as has been stated in earlier lessons. Deficiency diseases are not normal or natural and do not have to be “prevented.” We have only to live in accord with the laws of life and nature, and we will be healthy—as nature intended. |
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− | A conventional/medical study of vitamins, as presented in textbooks, leads people to think in terms of deficiencies when they think about vitamins. But the study of vitamins should not be a study of deficiency diseases; it should be primarily a study of their role in human nutrition. In fact, identifying individual vitamins and naming the deficiency, disease connected with the lack of each is totally unnecessary. All we really need to know is that they are present in sufficient quantities in natural foods and that we will meet our needs for them on a natural diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouts and seeds. It is also well to realize that food processing, storage and preservation destroy Vitamins in foods and that drugs and drug-like substances deplete vitamins in the body and interfere with their absorption and utilization. | + | A conventional/medical study of vitamins, as presented in textbooks, leads people to think in terms of deficiencies when they think about vitamins. But the study of vitamins should not be a study of deficiency diseases; it should be primarily a study of their role in human nutrition. In fact, identifying individual vitamins and naming the deficiency, disease connected with the lack of each is totally unnecessary. All we really need to know is that they are present in sufficient quantities in natural foods and that we will meet our needs for them on a natural diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouts and seeds. It is also well to realize that food processing, storage and preservation destroy vitamins in foods and that drugs and drug-like substances deplete vitamins in the body and interfere with their absorption and utilization. |
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| === Introduction === | | === Introduction === |
| ==== Definition of Vitamins ==== | | ==== Definition of Vitamins ==== |
− | Vitamins are organic compounds which the body needs to function normally. They cannot be manufactured by the body (with few exceptions); therefore, they must be sup- plied by food. In their absence, disease will develop. | + | Vitamins are organic compounds which the body needs to function normally. They cannot be manufactured by the body (with few exceptions); therefore, they must be supplied by food. In their absence, disease will develop. |
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| ==== Discovery of Vitamins ==== | | ==== Discovery of Vitamins ==== |
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| ===== Vitamin A ===== | | ===== Vitamin A ===== |
− | # Discovery. This fat-soluble vitamin was discovered by McCollum and Davis of the University of Wisconsin and by Osborne and Mendel of Yale University in 1913. They found that rats on a diet with lard as the only source of fat developed eye problems and failed to grow. It was later found that a shortage of carotene, the yellow pigment of plants, led to the development of these problems. Carotene is converted into vitamin A within the organism. | + | # '''Discovery'''. This fat-soluble vitamin was discovered by McCollum and Davis of the University of Wisconsin and by Osborne and Mendel of Yale University in 1913. They found that rats on a diet with lard as the only source of fat developed eye problems and failed to grow. It was later found that a shortage of carotene, the yellow pigment of plants, led to the development of these problems. Carotene is converted into vitamin A within the organism. |
− | # Measurement.VitaminAismeasuredininternationalunits.Acomplicatedformulaex- ists whereby micro-grams (1/millionth gram) of vitamins are converted into internation- al units (IUs). Amounts of vitamin A in foods and requirements for this vitamin are ex- pressed as IUs. | + | # '''Measurement'''. Vitamin A is measured in international units. A complicated formula exists whereby micro-grams (1/millionth gram) of vitamins are converted into international units (IUs). Amounts of vitamin A in foods and requirements for this vitamin are expressed as IUs. |
− | # Chemistry.VitaminAisrelativelystabletoheatbutiseasilydestroyedbyultravioletra- diation (as in sunlight). Chemically, it occurs in many forms: retinal, retinol and retinoic acid. | + | # '''Chemistry'''. Vitamin A is relatively stable to heat but is easily destroyed by ultraviolet radiation (as in sunlight). Chemically, it occurs in many forms: retinal, retinol and retinoic acid. |
− | # Physiology. Most dietary vitamin A is in the form of carotene, the yellow pigment of plants. About half of the carotene consumed is converted into vitamin A in the body and the other half is utilized as a hydrocarbon. Because vitamin A is fat-soluble, if the diet is devoid of fat, or if too little bile is secreted by the liver (bile is needed to digest fat), or if too little thyroid hormone is secreted, there will be poor absorption of vitamin A in the intestines. This vitamin is stored in the liver. | + | # '''Physiology'''. Most dietary vitamin A is in the form of carotene, the yellow pigment of plants. About half of the carotene consumed is converted into vitamin A in the body and the other half is utilized as a hydrocarbon. Because vitamin A is fat-soluble, if the diet is devoid of fat, or if too little bile is secreted by the liver (bile is needed to digest fat), or if too little thyroid hormone is secreted, there will be poor absorption of vitamin A in the intestines. This vitamin is stored in the liver. |
− | # Functions.VitaminAisusedbythebodyinmanyimportantways.Thebodyneedsitto maintain normal vision in dim light. Vitamin A is also needed for synthesis of mucus, a secretion the body uses to maintain the health of membranes lining the eyes, mouth and gastrointestinal, respiratory and genitourinary tracts. When enough vitamin A is present, when other nutrients are sufficient, and when the body is not toxic, these membranes will be in a high state of health. However, if there is not a vitamin A deficiency, taking more of this vitamin will not protect the body from diseases nor “cure” diseases. This is a myth that has been scientifically disproven many times. Vitamin A is also needed for normal skeletal and tooth development, for formation of sperm, for the normal progression of the reproductive cycle of the female, for for- mation of the adrenal hormone cortisone from cholesterol, and for maintenance of the stability of all cell membranes. | + | # '''Functions'''. Vitamin A is used by the body in many important ways. The body needs it to maintain normal vision in dim light. Vitamin A is also needed for synthesis of mucus, a secretion the body uses to maintain the health of membranes lining the eyes, mouth and gastrointestinal, respiratory and genitourinary tracts. When enough vitamin A is present, when other nutrients are sufficient, and when the body is not toxic, these membranes will be in a high state of health. However, if there is not a vitamin A deficiency, taking more of this vitamin will not protect the body from diseases nor “cure” diseases. This is a myth that has been scientifically disproven many times. Vitamin A is also needed for normal skeletal and tooth development, for formation of sperm, for the normal progression of the reproductive cycle of the female, for formation of the adrenal hormone cortisone from cholesterol, and for maintenance of the stability of all cell membranes. |
− | # Requirements.Maleadultsneed5000IUs,femaleadults4000IUs,pregnantorlactating females 5000 IUs and infants about 1/10th the adult requirement of vitamin A per day. Infant needs are easily supplied by breast milk. | + | # '''Requirements'''. Male adults need 5000 IU's, female adults 4000 IU's, pregnant or lactating females 5000 IU's and infants about 1/10th the adult requirement of vitamin A per day. Infant needs are easily supplied by breast milk. |
− | # Sources.HealthfulsourcesofvitaminAincludedarkgreenleafyvegetables(lettuceand other greens), green stem vegetables (broccoli, asparagus), yellow or orange vegetables (carrots, etc.) and yellow or orange fruits (peaches, cantaloupe, etc.). | + | # '''Sources'''. Healthful sources of vitamin A include dark green leafy vegetables(lettuce and other greens), green stem vegetables (broccoli, asparagus), yellow or orange vegetables (carrots, etc.) and yellow or orange fruits (peaches, cantaloupe, etc.). |
− | # Effects of deficiency. A deficiency of vitamin A is rare in the U.S. and is usually only seen in chronic diarrhea from colitis and other such diseases, liver disease or use of min- eral oil. A deficient person manifests night blindness and degeneration of membranes (eye, nose, sinuses, middle ear, lungs, genitourinary tract). | + | # '''Effects of deficiency'''. A deficiency of vitamin A is rare in the U.S. and is usually only seen in chronic diarrhea from colitis and other such diseases, liver disease or use of mineral oil. A deficient person manifests night blindness and degeneration of membranes (eye, nose, sinuses, middle ear, lungs, genitourinary tract). |
− | # Effects of Excess. Intake of excess vitamin A results in toxicity (poisoning), causing a loss of appetite, increased irritability, drying and flaking of skin, loss of hair, bone and joint pain, bone fragility, headaches and enlargement of liver and spleen. An overdose of this vitamin is about 50,000 IUs per day in adults and 20,000 IUs in infants. | + | # '''Effects of Excess'''. Intake of excess vitamin A results in toxicity (poisoning), causing a loss of appetite, increased irritability, drying and flaking of skin, loss of hair, bone and joint pain, bone fragility, headaches and enlargement of liver and spleen. An overdose of this vitamin is about 50,000 IUs per day in adults and 20,000 IU's in infants. |
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| ===== Vitamin D ===== | | ===== Vitamin D ===== |
− | # Discovery. Vitamin D was chemically isolated in food in 1930. For hundreds of years previous to the 20th century, people had used cod liver oil to supply, a factor which the body needed to maintain normal bone structure. Scientists in the 1900s were able to identify vitamin D as the necessary substance. | + | # '''Discovery'''. Vitamin D was chemically isolated in food in 1930. For hundreds of years previous to the 20th century, people had used cod liver oil to supply, a factor which the body needed to maintain normal bone structure. Scientists in the 1900s were able to identify vitamin D as the necessary substance. |
− | # Measurement.VitaminDrequirementsandtheamountspresentinfoodsareexpressed in international units. One international unit (IU) of vitamin D is equal to 0.025 meg (a meg is one millionth of a gram) of vitamin D. | + | # '''Measurement'''. Vitamin D requirements and the amounts present in foods are expressed in international units. One international unit (IU) of vitamin D is equal to 0.025 meg (a meg is one millionth of a gram) of vitamin D. |
− | # Chemistry. Chemically, vitamin D is very stable. Neither heat nor oxygen will destroy this substance. Vitamin D is produced when the skin (or flesh) of animals is exposed to ultraviolet light. | + | # '''Chemistry'''. Chemically, vitamin D is very stable. Neither heat nor oxygen will destroy this substance. Vitamin D is produced when the skin (or flesh) of animals is exposed to ultraviolet light. |
− | # Physiology.LikevitaminA,vitaminDisfat-soluble.Therefore,bilesaltsareneededfor absorption. Vitamin D is stored mainly in the liver. Significant amounts of this vitamin are formed by the skin of human beings exposed to sunlight. | + | # '''Physiology'''. Like vitamin A, vitamin D is fat-soluble. Therefore, bile salts are needed for absorption. Vitamin D is stored mainly in the liver. Significant amounts of this vitamin are formed by the skin of human beings exposed to sunlight. |
− | # Functions.ThebodyneedsvitaminDtomaintainnormalcalciumandphosphorusme- tabolism in the body and to maintain the health of bones and teeth. With adequate D, the body is able to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestines and the amount of phosphorus eliminated through the kidneys. | + | # '''Functions'''. The body needs vitamin D to maintain normal calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body and to maintain the health of bones and teeth. With adequate D, the body is able to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestines and the amount of phosphorus eliminated through the kidneys. |
− | # Requirements.Men,womenandchildrenneedapproximately400IUsofvitaminDper day. Moderate exposure to sunlight allows the body to produce all the vitamin D it needs. In the summer the body produces excess vitamin D and stores it in the liver. In the win- ter, when there is less sunlight, the body draws upon the stores of D in the liver to main- tain normal vitamin D metabolism. | + | # '''Requirements'''. Men, women and children need approximately 400 IU's of vitamin D per day. Moderate exposure to sunlight allows the body to produce all the vitamin D it needs. In the summer the body produces excess vitamin D and stores it in the liver. In the winter, when there is less sunlight, the body draws upon the stores of D in the liver to maintain normal vitamin D metabolism. |
− | # Sources.ClothingpreventsformationofDintheskinwithsunlightexposure,andwin- dow glass, fog and smog may also interfere. There is no scientific evidence, however, that sunlight exposure will not allow the body to produce sufficient vitamin D if the skin is exposed to light for enough time. One-half hour per day in the warm months should suffice. | + | # '''Sources'''.ClothingpreventsformationofDintheskinwithsunlightexposure,andwin- dow glass, fog and smog may also interfere. There is no scientific evidence, however, that sunlight exposure will not allow the body to produce sufficient vitamin D if the skin is exposed to light for enough time. One-half hour per day in the warm months should suffice. |
− | # Effectsofdeficiency.AdeficiencyofvitaminDwill,resultinricketsininfantsandos- teomalacia in adults. The body cannot maintain normal bone structure when too little vitamin D is present. Rickets is characterized by soft and fragile bones, especially in the legs; curvature of the spine; enlargement of certain joints; poor development of many muscles; irritability and restlessness; poor dental structure; and abnormality of the blood. Osteomalacia also is characterized by soft bones, plus leg and lower back pain, general weakness, and fractures that occur without significant trauma. | + | # '''Effects of deficiency'''. A deficiency of vitamin D will, result in rickets in infants and osteomalacia in adults. The body cannot maintain normal bone structure when too little vitamin D is present. Rickets is characterized by soft and fragile bones, especially in the legs; curvature of the spine; enlargement of certain joints; poor development of many muscles; irritability and restlessness; poor dental structure; and abnormality of the blood. Osteomalacia also is characterized by soft bones, plus leg and lower back pain, general weakness, and fractures that occur without significant trauma. |
− | # Effectsofexcess.ExcessvitaminDresultsinnausea,diarrhea,lossofweight,frequent urination, all in mild cases; kidney damage, calcium deposits with damage to the heart, blood vessels and other tissue, in severe cases. A dose of vitamin D approximately 100 times the amount needed will cause poisoning and the above symptoms. | + | # '''Effects of excess'''. Excess vitamin D results in nausea, diarrhea, loss of weight, frequent urination, all in mild cases; kidney damage, calcium deposits with damage to the heart, blood vessels and other tissue, in severe cases. A dose of vitamin D approximately 100 times the amount needed will cause poisoning and the above symptoms. |
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| ===== Vitamin E ===== | | ===== Vitamin E ===== |
− | # Discovery. Shortage of another organic compound which dissolves in fat solvents was discovered in 1922 to result in destruction of the fetus in the uterus of animals. In 1936 vitamin E was chemically isolated as this substance. | + | # '''Discovery'''. Shortage of another organic compound which dissolves in fat solvents was discovered in 1922 to result in destruction of the fetus in the uterus of animals. In 1936 vitamin E was chemically isolated as this substance. |
− | # Measurement.AmountsofvitaminEareexpressedasinternationalunits(IUs).OneIU is equal to 1 mg (1/1000th gram) of vitamin E. | + | # '''Measurement'''. Amounts of vitamin E are expressed as international units(IU's).OneIU is equal to 1 mg (1/1000th gram) of vitamin E. |
− | # Chemistry.VitaminEisrelativelystablebutwillbreakdownonexposuretoultraviolet light and when exposed to rancid fats, lead or iron. | + | # '''Chemistry'''. Vitamin E is relatively stable but will breakdown on exposure to ultra violet light and when exposed to rancid fats, lead or iron. |
− | # Physiology.SincevitaminEisafat-solublevitamin,bilesaltsareneededforabsorption (see under vitamin A). Most vitamin E is stored in muscle and fat tissue. | + | # '''Physiology'''. Since vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, bile salts are needed for absorption (see under vitamin A). Most vitamin E is stored in muscle and fat tissue. |
− | # Functions. The body uses vitamin E mainly as an antioxidant. It chemically combines with oxygen, and, as a result of this, other organic compounds are not destroyed by oxy- gen. Scientists think that vitamin E is also needed for production of certain essential tis- sues, especially red blood cells. | + | # '''Functions'''. The body uses vitamin E mainly as an antioxidant. It chemically combines with oxygen, and, as a result of this, other organic compounds are not destroyed by oxygen. Scientists think that vitamin E is also needed for production of certain essential tis- sues, especially red blood cells. |
− | # Requirements. The amount of vitamin E needed for normal body function is about 15 IUs per day. Fortunately, one of the richest sources of E in nature is un-saturated fats (oils, as found in seeds and nuts). This vitamin is also found in fruits, vegetables, sprout- ed grains and sprouted legumes. | + | # '''Requirements'''. The amount of vitamin E needed for normal body function is about 15 IU's per day. Fortunately, one of the richest sources of E in nature is un-saturated fats (oils, as found in seeds and nuts). This vitamin is also found in fruits, vegetables, sprout- ed grains and sprouted legumes. |
− | # Effects of deficiency. Symptoms of deficiency in animals continue to baffle scientists. When E is in extremely short supply, disease in many areas of the body results. There is breakdown of the reproductive system, muscular system, nervous system and vascular (blood vessel) system. But the conditions needed to produce such destruction in animals involve such extreme deficiency that scientists think no such problems develop in human beings from a dietary deficiency of vitamin E. Therefore, impotence, infertility, heart disease and other such problems in people are not from vitamin E deficiency and will not be helped by taking excess vitamin E. | + | # '''Effects of deficiency'''. Symptoms of deficiency in animals continue to baffle scientists. When E is in extremely short supply, disease in many areas of the body results. There is breakdown of the reproductive system, muscular system, nervous system and vascular (blood vessel) system. But the conditions needed to produce such destruction in animals involve such extreme deficiency that scientists think no such problems develop in human beings from a dietary deficiency of vitamin E. Therefore, impotence, infertility, heart disease and other such problems in people are not from vitamin E deficiency and will not be helped by taking excess vitamin E. |
− | # Effectsofexcess.ExcessintakeofvitaminE,longthoughttobeharmless,hasnowbeen implicated in the causation of cholesterol deposits in blood vessels, elevated blood fat levels, interference in the blood-clotting process, enhanced growth of lung tumors, interference with vitamin A and iron, disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract, skin rashes, interference with thyroid gland function and damage to muscles. Megadoses of vitamin E are certainly not to be considered harmless. | + | # '''Effects of excess'''. Excess intake of vitamin E, long thought to be harmless, has now been implicated in the causation of cholesterol deposits in blood vessels, elevated blood fat levels, interference in the blood-clotting process, enhanced growth of lung tumors, interference with vitamin A and iron, disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract, skin rashes, interference with thyroid gland function and damage to muscles. Megadoses of vitamin E are certainly not to be considered harmless. |
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| ===== Vitamin K ===== | | ===== Vitamin K ===== |
− | # Discovery.VitaminKwasdiscoveredin1935.AdoctorinScandinaviafoundthatthis substance was necessary for normal clotting of the blood. | + | # '''Discovery'''. Vitamin K was discovered in 1935. A doctor in Scandinavia found that this substance was necessary for normal clotting of the blood. |
| # Measurement. Amounts of vitamin K are expressed as micrograms, one millionth of a gram. | | # Measurement. Amounts of vitamin K are expressed as micrograms, one millionth of a gram. |
| # Chemistry.VitaminKisthefourthofthefat-solublevitamins(othersareA,DandE).It is easily destroyed by light but is stable to heat. | | # Chemistry.VitaminKisthefourthofthefat-solublevitamins(othersareA,DandE).It is easily destroyed by light but is stable to heat. |