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[[The Role Of Acid And Alkaline Substances Within The Body|-Previous-Lesson 12-]] | -PDF pages 296-311- | [[Life Science Health System - T.C. Fry|-Table of Contents-]] | [[Water Transports Nutrients To All The Body Cells|-Next-Lesson 14-]]
'''[[The Role Of Acid And Alkaline Substances Within The Body|-Previous-Lesson 12-]] | -PDF pages 296-311- | [[Life Science Health System - T.C. Fry|-Table of Contents-]] | [[Water Transports Nutrients To All The Body Cells|-Next-Lesson 14-]]'''
= Lesson 13 - Air, Sunshine, And Natural Light Essential To Health =
= Lesson 13 - Air, Sunshine, And Natural Light Essential To Health =
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It appears that walking increases the consumption of oxygen threefold and climbing nearly fivefold over that consumed at rest. These facts illustrate the influence of muscular activity upon the bodily metabolism and the incidental purification of the system from waste matter. Regular exercise in the open air during all seasons of the year is one of the most important factors for the preservation of health and the prolongation of life.
It appears that walking increases the consumption of oxygen threefold and climbing nearly fivefold over that consumed at rest. These facts illustrate the influence of muscular activity upon the bodily metabolism and the incidental purification of the system from waste matter. Regular exercise in the open air during all seasons of the year is one of the most important factors for the preservation of health and the prolongation of life.
[[The Role Of Acid And Alkaline Substances Within The Body|-Previous-Lesson 12-]] | -PDF pages 296-311- | [[Life Science Health System - T.C. Fry|-Table of Contents-]] | [[Water Transports Nutrients To All The Body Cells|-Next-Lesson 14-]]
'''[[The Role Of Acid And Alkaline Substances Within The Body|-Previous-Lesson 12-]] | -PDF pages 296-311- | [[Life Science Health System - T.C. Fry|-Table of Contents-]] | [[Water Transports Nutrients To All The Body Cells|-Next-Lesson 14-]]'''

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